The new year has just started that we have not yet finished taking stock of 2019 ... Creation of the tech startup KAIROS in South Korea in October, association with Arthur 알톨 이 Mademba-sy for our Web offer, with Marc de Supervielle in Cybersecurity & audit. Event side: Co-organization of an event with French Tech Seoul on the theme of Data privacy, cyber-breakfast conducted for the European Chamber of Commerce in Korea, article co-written in the magazine of the French Chamber of Commerce in Korea. KAIROS also began to make the link with the French economic fabric last December and opened up opportunities between our two countries. Very nice meetings with Frédéric Claveau from KOTRA Paris, Julien Dassonval ☕️ from WE ARE DIGITAL PRODUCERS, Emmanuel Tonnelier from SYSTRAN & GICAT, Duke HA DUONG from Officience, Hélène Desliens from Experteez & French Tech Bordeaux, Frederic GOUTH from YOGOSHA. 2020 will be technology-driven with the creation of a cybersecurity brick by KAIROS for businesses and the creation of value with new partners in Korea. Happy new year 2020 to all! Team Ralfkairos